Tuition & Fees | Hagerstown Community College
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Tuition & Fees

Tuition & Fees

Tuition & Fees

Fall 2024 to Summer 2025


  • Washington County Residents: $123 per credit hour
  • Out-of-County Residents: $192 per credit hour
  • Neighbor-State Rate (for residents of Franklin and Fulton Counties, PA; Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan Counties, WV; and Loudoun County, VA): $236 per credit hour
  • Out-of-State Residents: $252 per credit hour


  • Course fees listed with course
  • Registration fee per semester: $30 (nonrefundable)
  • General college fee per credit hour: $14

Review the FY25 Student and Community Fee Schedule.

HCC provides a cost-effective way to continue your education whether you are pursuing a Letter of Recognition, Certificate, or Associate Degree. The money saved while living locally may assist you in financing additional coursework if you decide to transfer. Financial aid and scholarships also are available, making HCC the most affordable college option. A cost comparison below:

  Total Tuition & Fees Room & Board Total
Four-year private (not for profit) $40,713 $13,842 $54,555
Four-year private (for profit) $18,241 $9,151 $27,392
Four-year public $9,834 $12,302 $22,136
Two-year private (for profit) $16,301   $16,301
Hagerstown Community College      
In-county $4,230   $4,230
In-state $6,990   $6,990
Out-of-state $8,850   $8,850

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (based on 2021 table)

The real cost of education is the "out-of-pocket" cost after financial aid is taken into consideration. Financial aid is available to students who qualify. Financial aid may cover more than just the tuition and fees. Funds not used to pay for tuition, fees, and other HCC charges can be used to pay room, board, and transportation. Refund checks used to pay living expenses are mailed to students or can be directly deposited to the students' checking accounts. Financial aid resources are intended to supplement, not replace, the financial resources of the student.

Residency (In-County Rates)

To be eligible for in-county or in-state tuition, you must sign a statement on the application certifying that you have lived at your current address for at least three consecutive months. For those students residing in-county less than one year, two proofs of residency must be presented along with a residency petition form before the first day of classes. Documentation must show home address (no post office box) with effective date three months prior to the first day of classes. The college reserves the right to require you to furnish additional information and documents.

For proof of residency, please submit two of the following documents:

  • Deed, settlement papers, or a one-year lease agreement
  • Income tax returns
  • Utility bills
  • Maryland driver’s license
  • Maryland motor vehicle registration
  • Maryland voter registration
  • Military personnel only: military orders with an assignment to a base in Maryland and presentation of Military ID

Contact the Office of Admissions and Enrollment Management for more information or download the Residency Form.

Rate Agreements

  • Out-of-state students who work in Washington County may be eligible for in-county rates if their employer has a signed tuition rate agreement with HCC. Students are advised to check with their human resources director.
  • If you live outside of Washington County, but are employed by a Washington County business, please complete the Rate Agreement form. Employers not listed on the rate agreement form will have to contact the Admissions Office to complete a tuition rate agreement contract with HCC.
  • Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed within 7-10 business days (if your employer needs to sign a contact with HCC, your form will be on hold until the contact is received).
  • If approved, you would qualify for in-county tuition. You must submit a new rate agreement for each semester – the deadline dates are:
    • Fall – September 15
    • Spring – February 15
    • Summer – June 15
  • Note: If the rate agreement form is not submitted by the semester date above, your current tuition rate would stay the same for the entire semester. For example, if the rate agreement for fall is submitted after September 15, you would not be potentially eligible for a rate agreement until the spring semester.

If you change your schedule, at any point, you MUST notify the Student Financial Aid Office as your waiver amount may need to be revised.

Employer Paid Tuition

  • If your employer or agency is paying your tuition directly to HCC, you must present a purchase order, tuition assistance voucher, or letter of intent at the time you register for classes. If you register via the Web, fax the required documents to 301-393-3683, or bring them to the Finance Office by the balance due date, or within 24 hours of registration. Certain restrictions apply.
  • In the event the employer or tuition assistance agency refuses to pay after receipt of the bill, the student becomes responsible for all charges on the account.

Senior Citizens

Any resident of Maryland who is 60 years or older and who enrolls in any class is exempt from payment of tuition. All applicable fees and the Senior Citizen Administrative Fee will be charged. The Senior Citizen Administrative Fee (for credit classes) is $25.